Duchang OrphanageThe first family I've heard of adopting from this orphanage
adopted in August 1999. Probably this is a smaller orphanage that
previously had not been doing international adoption or does them infrequently.
On the map Duchang is about 70 km north of Nanchang but on the other side of
Poyang Lake. And from a mother adopting in November 1999: "DuChang just recently begun international adoptions when we and one other family travelled in November 1999 to adopt from there. Our trip in China only took five days, two and a half in Nanchang and two and a half days in Guangzhou. The other couple's girl was 18 months old, was walking, eating table food and in perfect health. She was slightly smaller in size than her parents expected but she was in great shape over all. My daughter was four days shy of her first birthday and even though she was also healthy she was only 14 pounds and was slightly dehydrated. She was more like a baby than a toddler, she could not hold her head or sit up. The pediatrician here in the states found her to be at the physical level of a six month old so she recommended physical therapy to strengthen her leg muscles and teach her how to crawl. Another thing she found was intestinal parasites which the doctor thought she probably got from the water. The pediatrician said that she was malnourished due to the fact that she was only fed Congee (that soupy rice that is so much of a staple in China). Mentally she has always been very smart and a quick learner. She has a very sweet disposition and is always smiling and in a good mood. It's been 3 months since the trip and she has made great progress, she now weights 20 pounds, sits and stands by herself, and walks with assistance. She acquired two new teeth, has a very good appetite and eats most everything, except Congee, that is! Her pediatrician expects that by the time she is 18 months she will be at the same physical level of other girls her age. Oh yes, I almost forgot to tell you that she is speaking now, and she lets the world know! (from Maria Bengochea)
Please e-mail me at webmaster@gurrad.com if you have any additional information or if your child is from here and you would like to post a picture or other information here. |