Yugan Orphanage A family adopted from this orphanage in February 1998. This was the
first group that I'd been aware of that had adopted from this orphanage.
We're not sure why there haven't been more families. It may be a small
orphanage. The adopting mom says "We did not ask whether they had
done any previous international adoptions but the director appeared very
knowledgeable so I would assume that they had. We learned that YuGan is a
small fishing village (by Chinese standards small is about 80,000 population) .
It is on the lake east of Nanchang. We were told it was about 4-5 hours
away from Nanchang so we did not get to visit. Three of the girls in
our travel group came from Yugan. All the girls were with foster families.
They were healthy (only runny noses and slight coughs) and happy. Our
daughter is great. She is healthy, happy and very sweet. She is
learning new words and new "tricks" every day. We are amazed at
how quickly she is catching up. We got her on her 15 month birthday and
she could not roll over or crawl. She could sit but was a bit wobbly.
Within one week she could roll over and push up to sitting. A week after
coming home, she started to crawl. She now cruises and pulls up to
standing with no effort. She can stand alone for about 15 seconds and can
walk holding on to us with only one hand. So we expect she'll be walking
alone any day now. She was the most advanced developmentally of the three
girls. One girl is one day older than she and one is one month younger.
They could not sit unassisted. Lucy also showed the most personality and
interacted with us and the other adults more that than the other two girls.
We're not sure if that is reflective of her personality or of the stimulation
provided by the foster families." For additional comments from parents of children from Yugan see Yugan Families.
For an e-mail list of families that have adopted from Yugan and have some orphanages photos on file please visit http://groups.yahoo.com/group/yugan-kids
Please e-mail me at webmaster@gurrad.com if you have any additional information or if your child is from here and you would like to post a picture or other information here. |