Jiujiang Social Welfare Home

Some photos of the new orphanage building. Click on
small photos to see the larger ones.

Old Orphanage Building, 1995
2011-06 - We returned there last week with our now 14 year-old. Mr. Cao is
still the director, but will be retiring later this year. His assistant,
Ms. Liu, will be taking over as the director. We visited the brand new
Jiujiang Orphanage, which just opened on June 1, 2011. The ophanage has
now been separated from the Social Welfare House and is located in a different
part of the city. Mr. Cao encouraged me to take as many pictures as
possible and to let people know about his work.
all pictures)
The vast majority of the orphans we saw now have obvious disabilities, either
physical or mental. I would estimated about 80-90% of the approximately 30
children we saw. There was one infant with a very serious medical condition
that was waiting for surgery. There were several children with cleft
palates. The school age children were not present when we visited. We were
told that about 100 children currently live at the orphanage. The plans
are for the population to be about 300. They will be consolidating six
ophanages in northern Jiangxi province.
Mr. Cao designed the new orphanage and raised 1 million RMB to build it. Many of
the rooms have air conditioners donated by local businesses. He has created a
physical therapy room and is hoping to raise funds to purchase additional
equipment to help those with physical disabilities. There is a library,
computer room, playrooms, and other amenities. I took about 100 photos of
the orphanage and was wondering if you would be interested in placing them on
your website. I plan to put them on my facebook page in the near future.
Mr. Cao plans to remain in Jiujiang after retirement and will continue to help
at the orphanage. He told us that his goal is to provide each child with
an education, and if they qualify, a college education. He said he has
helped several of his students that did not qualify for university to start
small businesses, giving them seed money from his own pocket.
We also visited the recently vacated orphanage at the Social Welfare House.
It was locked up pending renovation to become part of the home for the elderly.
From the outside, it looked as we remembered, aside from being painted pink.

- more pictures of Jiujiang and the
How You Can Help the Children
Still at the Jiujiang Orphanage, A Letter from Director Cao
Three Visits to the Jiujiang Orphanage by Adoptive Families
A November 2000 Revisit to the Jiujiang Orphanage
Jenna Lee Tianhua S. |
Louisa Barlett-Sloan |
Cao Xiao E |
Cao Hao |
Born 6/7/95 |
Born 3/10/94 |
Born 7/30/95 |
Born 10/27/97 |
Adopted 3/26/96 |
Adopted 6/19/94 |
Adopted 11/20/95 |
Referral 3/12/98 |
Huang Wen Xia |
Huang Ling |
Cao Aizhen |
Cao Cuiying |
Born 6/18/95 |
Born 2/9/95 |
Born 11/30/95 |
Born 3/96 |
Adopted 11/14/95 |
Adopted 11/28/95 |
Adopted 4/29/96 |
Adopted 1/97 |
Cao Chun Ming |
Cao Du Mei |
Cao Lan |
Born 1/18/97 |
Born 1/26/96 |
Born 7/20/95 |
Adopted 4/28/97 |
Cao Yin |
Cao Chun Hung |
Cao Junjie |
Cao Qiu Guo |
Born 9/26/97 |
Born 2/4/97 |
Born 12/1/97 |
Born 7/4/97 |
Adopted 5/10/98 |
Adopted 12/29/97 |
Adopted 6/98 |
Adopted 2/18/98 |
Cao Ridong |
Cao Lian |
Cao Hua Yu |
Cao Min Liu |
Born 11/3/97 |
Born 1/8/98 |
Born 5/4/96 |
Born 10/6/97 |
Adopted 8/10/98 |
Adopted 10/27/98 |
Adopted 5/4/97 |
Adopted 4/6/98 |
Cao Xing Yan |
Cao Meihua |
Cao Qiu Qing |
Cao Qing Quan |
Born 10/1/98 |
Born 12/1/95 |
Born 7/6/97 |
Born 5/9/97 |
Referral 2/8/99 |
Adopted 7/22/96 |
Adopted 9/7/98 |
Adopted 9/9/98 |
Cao Dong Li |
Cao Dong Ying |
Cao Ri Xing |
Cao Hu |
Born 10/06/98 |
Born 10/4/98 |
Born 10/26/97 |
Born 12/1/97 |
Adopted 3/21/99 |
Adopted 3/21/99 |
Adopted 9/24/98 |
Adopted 9/24/98 |
Cao Xun Qing |
Cao Ru |
Cao Mei Hua |
Cao Meng Chuan |
Born 10/14/97 |
Born 7/18/95 |
Born 3/25/01 |
Born 6/9/00 |
Adopted 9/24/00 |
Adopted 12/7/95 |
Adopt June 2002 |
Adopt'd 12/25/00 |
Referral Photo |
Cao Ling Ying |
Referral Photo |
Cao Dong Xia |
Born 10-7-99 |
Born 9-10-01 |
Adopted 7-7-02 |
Adopted 6-25-02 |
Cao Ke Xiu |
Your Child |
Cao Le Ming |
HongXiang |
Born 4/21/02 |
Born 4/5/03 |
Born 1998 |
Adopt'd 11/25/02 |
Adopted 2/2/04 |
Adopted 1999 |
Cao Hua Ming |
Cao Ai Yu |
Cao Ya Ai |
Born 11/05/04 |
Born 2/3/05 |
Born 10/26/03 |
7/6/05 |
12/25/05 |
8/2/04 |
Cao Du Juan |
Cao Shan |
Born 1/28/96 |
Born 7/26/94 |
7/22/96 |
12/18/94 |
Abby's Photo Album
Another China Adoption Page
"Brief Introduction to Jiangxi"
Holt Travel Info
Find an address for this orphanage (and
print out an address label in Chinese) at
If you would like to contribute photos or information to this website
or join our Jiangxi family directory (information not posted at the website)
please e-mail me at