Yongfeng OrphanageIn February 1999 I heard from a family that had received a referral of a child at this orphanage. I had not heard from any families adopting from this orphanage before this. It may have been a situation similar to what we've encountered before where these are smaller and/or more distant orphanages that have not been previously involved in international adoptions. Since then I've heard from families in several groups that have adopted a child from Yongfeng. These have included two more 1999 groups, three in 2000 and a few each year since. In June 2004
I heard from a family adopting from the Yongfeng Social Welfare Institute but
they noticed on their paperwork that their daughter had originally been at the
Xingan Social Welfare Institute and then transferred to Yongfeng when she was
about six months old. When the family asked the Yongfeng director about
this all he said that Xingan was a small Social Welfare Institute with very few
resources. It's likely that it doesn't do international adoptions itself. Read about the experiences of families adopting from Yongfeng. See Photos received by adopting mom March 1999! Find an address for this orphanage (and print out an address label in Chinese) at http://www.blessedkids.com/index_files/addresses.htm There is now an e-mail group specifically for those who have adopted from Yongfeng and those who are going to adopt from Yongfeng (have referrals). You can sign up at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/YongFeng.
Please e-mail me at webmaster@gurrad.com if you have any additional information or if your child is from here and you would like to post a picture or other information here. |